Anyway part 2 is a long term strategy - the way I sleep. I sleep on my stomach but I'm trying to learn to sleep on my back. A few reasons:
- Gotta learn to sleep on my back before Tooth Week anyways - sleeping on my face will be wayyy too painful
- Sleeping on your face hastens the appearance of wrinkles
- Face-sleeping also contributes to skin congestion
So I started trying to back-sleep on Monday, and it... has not been going well.
Monday. I started the week with enthusiasm and good intentions. I went and bought a new memory foam pillow. I explained to the saleslady my reasoning for buying a new pillow so that she could help me choose one. She was supportive ("good idea! It will stop you from having saggy boobs!") but hedged her bets a little bit ("it will take you a long time to get used to it..."). Undaunted I continued on.
Monday night. Realised how uncomfortable my back and hips were without something under my knees. Tried old pillow. Too big. Tried a rolled up towel. Too... towel-y. Blanket also too fuzzy and awkwardly shaped. Give up and roll over.
Tuesday. Anthony's birthday. Had to drop by IKEA and thought it would be an excellent opportunity to buy a bolster pillow. Could not find. Asked sales assistant. She did not know what a bolster pillow is. "Booster pillow? For a chair?" No. Couldn't find a reasonable substitute. Went out for dinner, got home late and forgot about the back sleeping entirely. Woke up with enormous pillow creases on face. Bah.
Wednesday. Tried several other shops for booster pillow. Target would sell me a full-length body pillow, but nothing more suitable. Tried rolling up a towel and putting it in a pillowcase, which alleviated the texture issues and worked ok. Woke up about a dozen times lying on my face. Turned over and drifted back to sleep each time. Eventually.
Thursday. Woke up feeling like death. Which brings us to now. My resolve is wearing somewhat thin. I will try again tonight, but I'm not hopeful.
The second part of this initiative is silk pillowcases! I have read for many years that silk is better for your face and hair than cotton, so I thought I'd give it a try as I want to try growing my hair out again. They arrived today and they feel lovely :) Maybe they will help with the back sleeping? (Probably they will just make it nicer for me to sleep on my face.) I will post a picture of them once my bed looks nice (right now unmade and covered in clothes due to general life disorganization at the moment - things will get back to normal after this weekend's kids' camp is finished.)
Abrupt end!
EDIT: I had to edit this to add that the NuffnangX preview text for this post is "Tried old pillow." HAHAHA very enticing I'm sure.
Abrupt end!
EDIT: I had to edit this to add that the NuffnangX preview text for this post is "Tried old pillow." HAHAHA very enticing I'm sure.